Enable debug logs to monitor AWS Lambda function invocation in WSO2 API Manager

In this article, I discuss how to enable AWSLambdaMediator and AWS SDK debug logs to monitor AWS Lambda requests/responses

Binod Karunanayake


There are two types of logs that you can enable to monitor logs related AWS Lambda function invocation.

  1. AWSLambdaMediator logs
  2. AWS SDK logs

1. Enabling logs for AWSLambdaMediator

AWSLambdaMediator class handles Lambda function invocation using the AWS SDK. It provides some useful logs such as the payload, access method, and status. Follow these steps to enable logs for AWSLambdaMediator.

i. Open <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/log4j2.properties file.

ii. Add following lines to the bottom.

logger.AWS_LAMBDA_MEDIATOR.name = org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.mediators.AWSLambdaMediator

iii. Append AWS_LAMBDA_MEDIATOR to loggers list.

loggers = ..., AWS_LAMBDA_MEDIATOR

iv. Save and close log4j2.properties file.

2. Enabling logs for com.amazonaws components.

Although AWSLambdaMediator provides some useful information, debug logs from com.amazonaws classes will be needed to detect any misbehaviour. Here are the steps to enable logs for com.amazonaws components.

i. Open <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/log4j2.properties file.

ii. Add following lines to the bottom.

logger.COM_AMAZONAWS.name = com.amazonaws
logger.COM_AMAZONAWS.level = DEBUG

iii. Append COM_AMAZONAWS to loggers list.

loggers = ..., COM_AMAZONAWS

iv. Save and close log4j2.properties file.

That’s it! Now try invoking a Lambda function through WSO2 API Gateway and you will be able monitor the logs. Thanks for reading my article.



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PhD Candidate @RMIT University | Former Software Engineer @WSO2 | BSc Engineering (Hons) University of Moratuwa